Having the ability to offer credit to your customers can have many advantages. Consumer financing is a great option for businesses of all sizes. The concept of consumer financing allows your business to offer consumers an additional payment option with the help of a professional financing entity. The client can pay a low monthly installment for a limited amount of time, while you get to focus on selling while offering excellent customer service on top of it all! This way, your client can pay for services and goods they couldn’t purchase in cash or by credit card.

Boomerang Groupe Consulting LLC has planned out several programs designed to help you reel in more business, allowing almost every potential client to say yes to your services and products. Our packages offer the flexibility to work with your company’s needs, offering credit option solutions for various industries, allowing your clients to access the required or urgently needed services and goods.

  • We allow you to offer credit to people with FICO scores starting from 580, something many other financial institutions consider too low.
  • It benefits both businesses and consumers by providing ample options and flexibility, with minimal risk involved.
  • The ability to offer an additional payment method to your customers for your goods or services.
  • The experience of a consumer financial services provider to handle monthly payments.
  • Payments are made easy with an auto-pay service for extra convenience.
  • Our prices are tiered so you can reach as many potential customers as possible.
  • Boomerang Groupe Consulting LLC has very competitive and flexible interest rates.
  • No more hassle with paperwork! We guarantee instant credit approval where possible. A simple E-signature is sufficient to finalize the deal.
  • Funding for purchases up to $10,000 is easy from now on!
  • These financial packages have shown to be beneficial in nearly all industries.

Most people wrongfully assume that these programs are catered to only retail purchases. While they remain very popular with stores, many other businesses can benefit from them too. Consumer Financing has a long history of success in healthcare and dental financing, as well as mortgages, home improvement, automotive repair, student loans, even funerals, and more recently, also for the payment of membership and extracurricular tuition fees.

Go the extra mile for your customers. For more information about consumer credit programs and your business, contact us today. The Fennell Group associates are happy to answer all of your questions regarding Merchant Consumer Financing Programs. Don’t hesitate to start reaping the benefits consumer credit can offer your enterprise. We can help you establish a consumer financing program that empowers both you and your customers alike!